Medical Research Internship 2023 Report
From October 2 to December 21, 2023, a medical research internship was held for third-year medical students. This program allows students to experience firsthand how medical research is conducted, by working full-time on a research project.
This year, the internship included two students in the Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory and one student who was sent to the oveseas affiliated lab. The research themes were as follows:
Cardiovascular Physiology Lab
Theme 1: Mechanostress response analysis of synovial cells focusing on extracellular matrix
Theme 2: Does mechanical stimulation of synovial cells affect inflammatory response?
Sorbonne University (Paris, France)
3. Establishing the conditions to study autophagy
The interns worked hard on their respective research themes and compiled their research results. On December 21, they presented their research findings in a poster presentation.
In their poster presentations, the interns explained the overview, results, and conclusions of their research in a clear and concise manner. They also answered questions from the audience in a thoughtful and informative way.
The interns' research findings are expected to make a significant contribution to the advancement of medical research and the future development of medicine.